Happy New Year JK Beauty and Wellbeing Friends!
Well, the festivities are truly over and we are nearly at the end of the first month of the year. New resolutions were made and if you’re like me you would have started with positive acceleration along with some optimism! Talking about resolutions and aspirations; a common one that a number of us are pretty familiar with is weight loss. So you may say “I want to drop a stone or drop down a size”. However you put it, this journey of weight loss usually includes monitoring of diet and regular exercise.
In our modern society where Obesity is on the increase, the foods we consume matters! “Repeat it with me, “What you eat matters”! In fact recent research shows that Obesity stemming from bad eating habits is now on par with smoking. Chief Executive of NHS England says that “Obesity is the new smoking” and it is certainly a subject that is making waves in UK’s health care system.
UK Public Health estimates that two thirds of adults and a quarter of children between the ages of 2 years and 10 years are either overweight or obese. It is said that obese children are more likely to become obese adults!
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