9 benefits of how Massages positively impacts your Physical Wellbeing

Hello again JK Beauty & Wellbeing Friends, you may be out of sight but never out of our minds. We are ever committed to bringing to you valuable tips that will benefit your wellbeing for sound healthy living.So we are talking “Massages” and how having these regularly can do so much more than relaxing the body. But firstly let’s define Physical Wellbeing if indeed massage therapy is to help this area of your life.
Physical Wellbeing – In very simple terms this is your level of fitness and your ability to care for yourself. It’s wellness of your whole body which automatically links to your emotional and mental wellbeing. For example exercising greatly impacts your mood because as you exercise, endorphins are released to energize and lift your mood, impacting you not just physically but emotionally and mentally too.
Massage Therapies – The Benefits – Now massages are a rubbing and kneading of the muscles and joints and that too has a physical impact on the body as well as an emotional and mental effect. Let’s go into a deeper breakdown of the benefits of regular massage therapies.

Happy New Year JK Beauty and Wellbeing Friends!
Well, the festivities are truly over and we are nearly at the end of the first month of the year. New resolutions were made and if you’re like me you would have started with positive acceleration along with some optimism! Talking about resolutions and aspirations; a common one that a number of us are pretty familiar with is weight loss. So you may say “I want to drop a stone or drop down a size”. However you put it, this journey of weight loss usually includes monitoring of diet and regular exercise.
In our modern society where Obesity is on the increase, the foods we consume matters! “Repeat it with me, “What you eat matters”! In fact recent research shows that Obesity stemming from bad eating habits is now on par with smoking. Chief Executive of NHS England says that “Obesity is the new smoking” and it is certainly a subject that is making waves in UK’s health care system.
UK Public Health estimates that two thirds of adults and a quarter of children between the ages of 2 years and 10 years are either overweight or obese. It is said that obese children are more likely to become obese adults!

Is a wonderful way of boosting your immune system. A lot of the natural nutrients that we need in our bodies can easily get lost and subdued through cooking because we tend to overcook our foods. A lot of us are not really clear on how long we should cook our foods. Juicing is a great way of absorbing the natural nutrients directly from the fruits and vegetables we usually have or use in our day to day cooking. There are many combinations of fruits and vegetables out there that can be used for juicing. I find that the green combos are usually quite good but there is also plenty of room to tailor to your own personal taste. I encourage that you try different combinations of fruits and vegetables, along with other seeds such as almonds etc.
Form the habit of going outdoors to take in good early morning fresh air. A great way to do this is going for a brisk walk in the mornings. Avoid using your car or anything on four or two wheels. A nice walk in the park, taking in the natural oxygen released from the trees will do wonders for you. It’s also a good time to reflect as the mind is usually sharp and awake during those early hours of the morning.
Read More »OMG!! – 24 CARAT GOLD FACIAL!! ADVANCE SKIN TREATMENT (“Sounds Dreamy Huh”?).

What is this treatment? 24 carat gold facial, hmmm sounds expensive? The Celebs swear by it! Where did this treatment originate from? It is said that in Ancient Egypt Queen Cleopatra maintained her beauty by wearing a pure Gold mask when she would go to bed every night. In present day Japan this has become a popular treatment and this eventually reached our western shores. This is a treatment that initially took Hollywood by storm and a lot of celebs started to have this treatment as it has great results! But with a price tag of £1000 to £1500 it may not seem very practical for your average Jane Doe or Joe Bloggs that lives down your road or high street.
However it has great Benefits – GOLD has so many benefits – It hydrates, it releases toxins, it plumps up the face and it brightens. In addition delays the breakdown of elastin in the skin which is what keeps your skin tight and firm for much longer. It drastically reduces wrinkles, immediately so it’s great for mature skin also Perfect for special occasions! It is great for relaxation and wonderful if you really want to feel like a Queen and be pampered. And if you think it’s just the ladies rushing for this treatment, you will be greatly surprised!
This treatment is said to be so amazing and successful that there are just as many men opting for the treatment. Now there are various variations to this treatment but we will outline one of those we are aware of. It is quite a long treatment, lasting around 1 hour 15 minutes.
Step 1.The therapist will commence a treatment prelude making the first body contact with the client with a warming back massage using gold oil from the chosen body line as the client is seated on the edge of the treatment table.

HEY JK BEAUTY AND WELL-BEING FRIEND’S, ever heard the term “LESS IS MORE”? Do you have the fear of wearing “BLUSH”? Are you totally horrified about the thought of walking out of your house, looking like a clown, with your two cheeks illuminated to the oncoming traffic?!!! Have you secretly desired to wear a touch of blush but just can’t seem to find anything subtle………Yes, if you are anything like me the beetroot look it’s a no go and has turned you off from the thought of even using blush altogether!!!…….Until……..yes ladies…. until l took a chance on MAC Cosmetics, who have a really broad range of blush colours; Well Lets see………….

(These are all fat storage foods)
Number 1! – Concentrated Juices – Such as orange Juice and Apple Juice made from concentrated does nothing for your wellbeing – What do l mean by this? Well during the processing of these, all the nutrients are striped out of the juices! Meaning that they are essentially left with SUGAR and WATER! The excess sugar will cause your blood sugar to spike high forcing your body into fat storage mode! And if you are drinking these all the time, the body is getting no real nutrients and in effect this ensures your body remains in “FAT STORAGE MODE”!!
Number 2! – Processed Foods – These also have a lot of excess sugar that is sometimes disguised as healthy, however you are not told what it does to your body. These types of foods are harmful; they are foods that have been chemically processed and only made from refined ingredients and artificial substances. As mentioned they are usually very high in SUGAR or high in its “partner in crime”, FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP! Also look out for dextran or dextrose. When all these substances are consumed in excess it’s extremely harmful and it’s pointless having them as they give “ZERO NUTRIENTS”!
Read More »The Benefits of Daily Deep Breathing… PHYSICAL WELLBEING…..LIVE WELL!!

“Hello JK Beauty & Wellbeing friends” we have another wellbeing tip for you”.
Deep Breathing
Breathing; We all look at this as a natural thing that we do automatically and “yes” you would be right to some point. You see, most of us are not conscious of our breathing as a result we take very shallow breaths that does not really get enough oxygen into the body and around the body.
- Not only can breathing serve as a stress reliever that can reduce acute chronic pain.
- It promotes relaxation and can very quickly subdue anxiety.
- It’s the best detox for the body and promotes better health.
- So, deep abdominal breathing is crucial for the oxygenation of the body.
We know that a number of our working population spend hours each day sitting down, looking at computer screens which causes tensions such as visual strain, postural strain, severe headaches, muscle tensions etc. If your work demands you sitting in front of computers for long hours focusing so intensely on the task at hand, the deadline, the project etc, this means you can forget to breathe effectively”. It’s important to oxygenate the brain particularly if you sit in front of the computer for long hours.
- So daily deep breathing helps to relax, oxygenate the brain, makes you more focused, more time efficient, less irritable and ultimately improves your overall mood.
It is proven that stress is a core component of a lot of diseases, so anything that reduces your stress levels is good for you.
Read More »Emotional wellbeing (The importance to managing your thoughts)

Popular quotes” “For he thinks in his heart so is he” (Proverbs chapter 23:7, Bible NKJV)
“Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life” (Anthony Robbins)
“The quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts” (Robin Sharma)
Positive thoughts – Studies have shown that thinking the right thoughts i.e. positively helps you feel better and generally makes you a happier person.The more positive you are or think about yourself the more confident you become.
Read More »Physical Wellbeing (The benefits of drinking Coconut Water)

“Who would have thought such a simple fruit would be filled with soooo much goodies”!!
- It is a good source of hydration –Pure Coconut Water is becoming more and more popular and rightly so. It is packed full of natural electrolytes that your body must have or needs. In particular when you have been active such as doing some type of sport, you need to rehydrate. Unlike other sports drinks that may contain fructose corn syrup or other sugars, Coconut Water contains only natural sugars from the Coconut fruit.
- It’s a very good source of Antioxidants – Pure Coconut Water is a great source of antioxidants, which play a key role in today’s beauty and health industries. It helps to get rid of toxins in the body & eliminate swelling and bloating. In addition nutrients are better absorbed and the skin glows when it get these antioxidants. It helps to tone the skin and eliminate excess oils on the face. Those with problematic skin like acne would benefit from drinking Pure Coconut Water. This is probably the reason a number of facial creams, lotions, shampoo’s etc contain traces of Coconut extracts to make them more effective.