Is a wonderful way of boosting your immune system. A lot of the natural nutrients that we need in our bodies can easily get lost and subdued through cooking because we tend to overcook our foods. A lot of us are not really clear on how long we should cook our foods. Juicing is a great way of absorbing the natural nutrients directly from the fruits and vegetables we usually have or use in our day to day cooking. There are many combinations of fruits and vegetables out there that can be used for juicing. I find that the green combos are usually quite good but there is also plenty of room to tailor to your own personal taste. I encourage that you try different combinations of fruits and vegetables, along with other seeds such as almonds etc.

Juice is great for boosting your immune system

Juice is great for boosting your immune system




Form the habit of going outdoors to take in good early morning fresh air. A great way to do this is going for a brisk walk in the mornings. Avoid using your car or anything on four or two wheels. A nice walk in the park, taking in the natural oxygen released from the trees will do wonders for you. It’s also a good time to reflect as the mind is usually sharp and awake during those early hours of the morning.

Early Morning Fresh Air in The Winter Months

Early Morning Fresh Air in The Winter Months


This is really, taking time for SELF and doing absolutely nothing. It’s usually a good time to meditate. Find a specific place to do your QUIET TIME, a room, a corner, a secluded place in the park, somewhere you can really get calm and relaxed. It may even be your bathroom. Ensure this place is free from the presence of anyone else. Get really presence with yourself, listen to your breathing pattern as you inhale and exhale. Ensure there are not too many visual things around you that can distract you. Close your eyes if you need to. There are various types of meditation; You can choose what works for you but l recommend my own personal style as outlined.

Quiet Time / Meditation

Quiet Time / Meditation


Challenge yourself to have a good day daily no matter what. When you do this, mentally your whole perspective is set for the day! You will find even when things do not go as well as expected, you are better equipped to deal with it. This mindset offers you strength, you feel stronger , in control and attitude wise,  you will find that you are happier within yourself ; And strangely enough happier and pleasant people will also be attracted and drawn to you.  You will also find that you will have more determination to accomplish things and a drive to do things well.


Practice being a better person. Treat others how you would like to be treated. Be a kinder, a much loving YOU. When you do this, you are helping others but you are also indirectly helping yourself too. Your kindness can really make someone’s day. I say this because l too have had some bad days and I’ave always remembered someone’s kindness to me.

I recall one specific occasion when after a hard day’s work l was extremely exhausted but had to go and do some grocery shopping. When l  finally got back to my house my next door neighbor was coming out of hers. Now we were not really friends but usually greeted one another. Anyway she was coming out and  at that point l didn’t even feel like l could take my shopping out of the car. And by some miracle it was as if she read my mind, she came to the car and said ” let me help you”. At that point l felt so thankful and grateful for her assistance. I don’t know what happened but l felt so much relief and comfort. You never know who you could be helping when you practice LOVE and KINDNESS!

Love & Kindness

Love & Kindness

The other thing is even if some people don’t take to your kindness or love. You will feel good within yourself that you did your part and as a  result will not take on any of their negativity. So in the end you are left feeling ok or good about yourself. Till next time we hope you find these tips useful                                                                                                                                                     ——– Live Well ———


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