“Hello JK Beauty & Wellbeing friends” we have another wellbeing tip for you”.
Deep Breathing
Breathing; We all look at this as a natural thing that we do automatically and “yes” you would be right to some point. You see, most of us are not conscious of our breathing as a result we take very shallow breaths that does not really get enough oxygen into the body and around the body.
- Not only can breathing serve as a stress reliever that can reduce acute chronic pain.
- It promotes relaxation and can very quickly subdue anxiety.
- It’s the best detox for the body and promotes better health.
- So, deep abdominal breathing is crucial for the oxygenation of the body.
We know that a number of our working population spend hours each day sitting down, looking at computer screens which causes tensions such as visual strain, postural strain, severe headaches, muscle tensions etc. If your work demands you sitting in front of computers for long hours focusing so intensely on the task at hand, the deadline, the project etc, this means you can forget to breathe effectively”. It’s important to oxygenate the brain particularly if you sit in front of the computer for long hours.
- So daily deep breathing helps to relax, oxygenate the brain, makes you more focused, more time efficient, less irritable and ultimately improves your overall mood.
It is proven that stress is a core component of a lot of diseases, so anything that reduces your stress levels is good for you.
- The more oxygen that goes in your body the greater your level of health
- Experts say disease cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment and research on this subject certainly encourages deep breathing as a good practice for better health.
- When we deep breathe, oxygen goes to every part of the body and every single cell needs good oxygen to function properly. “So do you see what a valuable practice this is”….?
Alternate nostril deep breathing technique, (do this for 15 – 20 mins per day)
Note: that your nose is directly linked to your brain and your nervous system, so when you breathe always ensure you breathe in and out through your nose. Your nose regulates the temperature in the air and filters the air before it goes in your body.
“Now here we go, try this exercise with me”……….!
- With one nostril pressed down and closed with your finger, take a deep breath through the other and hold for 5 seconds.
- Now with your opposite hand use a finger to seal the nostril that you took in the initial breath and release the breath through the other.
The whole point of this exercise is to connect with your nervous system and your brain, so always breathe in through one nostril and release through the other.
- In short deep breathing brings your mind and body into alignment to function at their best.
I hope you have found this piece helpful – “LIVE WELL”……………….!
Jacqueline Kessie