(These are all fat storage foods)
Number 1! – Concentrated Juices – Such as orange Juice and Apple Juice made from concentrated does nothing for your wellbeing – What do l mean by this? Well during the processing of these, all the nutrients are striped out of the juices! Meaning that they are essentially left with SUGAR and WATER! The excess sugar will cause your blood sugar to spike high forcing your body into fat storage mode! And if you are drinking these all the time, the body is getting no real nutrients and in effect this ensures your body remains in “FAT STORAGE MODE”!!
Number 2! – Processed Foods – These also have a lot of excess sugar that is sometimes disguised as healthy, however you are not told what it does to your body. These types of foods are harmful; they are foods that have been chemically processed and only made from refined ingredients and artificial substances. As mentioned they are usually very high in SUGAR or high in its “partner in crime”, FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP! Also look out for dextran or dextrose. When all these substances are consumed in excess it’s extremely harmful and it’s pointless having them as they give “ZERO NUTRIENTS”!
Number 3! – Margarine – Has trans fats that can cause cardiovascular heart disease. These trans fats can course you to gain weight, wipe out your good cholesterol, increase your bad cholesterol by creating blockages in your arteries and cause “MORE HARM THAN GOOD”! It is better to have butter because it has saturated fat that your body can burn for fuel, instead of building up blockages like trans fats.
Number 4! –Wheat – A lot of foods that has wheat is usually processed and filled with other unnatural substances like artificial flavouring. And for example whole wheat bread are dyed brown and has a lot of chemicals. Wheat is very pro-inflammatory, courses bloating and does not do any favours to your waistline. It is also very addictive food that increases your hunger for more and more. Research has shown that one in every a hundred people are intolerant to wheat. Its affects your mood and overall wellbeing and it’s BAD IF YOU WANT TO LOOSE EXCESS FAT”!
Number 5! – Luncheon meats / processed meats – These are loaded with chemicals, meat glue and other unnatural reconstituted food particles packaged as though they are good for you. These are not good for you and will encourage “WEIGHT GAIN”!
Number 6! – Fizzy drinks, Sports drinks and coffee – Fizzy drinks are a big contributor to obesity and being overweight due to the high sugar content. One can of coke for example has as much as 13 teaspoons of sugar! That includes the diet ones too!
The second type to drink to be mindful of is coffee, too much consumption of coffee due to the caffeine content, can over stimulate your body and can cause burn out, fatigue and interferes with you getting adequate sleep. This essentially means you’re not able to sleep as long as you should. Research shows that those that do not get enough sleep are likely to “GAIN WEIGHT”!
We trust this has given you a few tips that you can start to apply now! Be sure to join us for our next hot wellbeing tip!
Till next time…………………Live Well!!…………………